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New AP-8+

Started by aquawilly54, October 04, 2017, 09:57:41 PM

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Good evening. 
  I just purchased a new AP-8+ Rev C because there weren't any 16s available.  I haven't tried it yet because I didn't realize I needed a mini SD card for it.  That is a non issue though.  What I'm noticing is that I can't use a random selection for sounds because I don't see the ? dip switch.  I also notice that I don't get a speaker pop when I turn the board on.  I'm used to that on the 16s so I'm hoping that is also a non issue.  What I'm really looking for is the documentation on this board.  I did search and find the documentation topic here in the forum but it doesn't help me much.  I was hoping for something like the AP-16+ docs.  Are they here somewhere?  I have my connections the same as I would for a 16, so I'll grab a mini card tomorrow so I can upload and give it a shot.  Am I correct in the no-go for random sounds? 

Thanks much.



We haven't released the documentation yet because we made a final design update (added a "hacker" port connected to config switch) and are working through that now. No worries, random is there -- it's in the SELECT switch

0 -- Play SFX00.WAV
1 -- Play SFX01.WAV
2 -- Play SFX02.WAV
3 -- Play SFX03.WAV
4 -- Play SFX04.WAV
5 -- Play SFX05.WAV
6 -- Play SFX06.WAV
7 -- Play SFX07.WAV
8 -- Randomize available SFXnn files
9 -- Play available SFXnn files in order

When the AP-8+ starts it does an inventory of the available SFXnn.WAV files. Any that are there will be included in the random (position 8) and sequential (position 9) playback modes.

The AP-8+ has a built-in trick that we're going to add to the next rev of the AP-16+: if you connect a 2x16 I2C LCD to the I2C port, it will tell you what is playing and the volume settings for each channel.

The current software supports 2x16 I2C LCDs using the PCF8574 device set at address 7 (%111) -- this is the default address on the units I've purchased for as little as $10 from Amazon.

BTW... It's an easy thing for me to create code updates for the board you have (sans hacker port) versus the final release; that is to say, you'll never get left behind being an early adopter. We have a lot of neat stuff planned for the AP-8+ and AP-16+.
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


JonnyMac that's exactly what I needed.  It got me over the hump.  Thank you.  I'm still a surface level guy so I'm not quite sure what the advantage is of having an LCD hooked in, but am looking forward to learning more.

Thanks again.



It you connect an LCD it will show you the name of the file that's playing (even if it's a named WAV file using the PW serial command), the play time, and the left and right volume levels.
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


wow they must have sold out or something I see no mention of them
Scaring someone with a prop you built -- priceless!


We had some extra early boards and those went to a lucky few (mostly, OEM customers). Rev C (final) is spinning up. (pun intended for those who know the Propeller)
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office