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Which board is best for my project, and...

Started by Kent, October 13, 2018, 06:30:37 AM

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I'm not a programmer, and have minimal knowledge of electronics, but I'm a good student.  I have the EZ-3micro 3.1 rev D controlling my trashcan trauma prop.  I'd like to add LEDs to the prop.  I don't think this controller will do the job.  Which one is best suited for my project?  Also, I have an IR sensor on the prop, and I'd like the prop to activate immediately, without delay, when someone walks in front of it or waives their hand in front of the sensor. I don't want a reset time.  I want to prop to activate rapidly over and over again.


First off, welcome to the forms.

The EZ-3 is a timer addon board that is use with the PROP-1 or the PROP-2 controllers and they're programmed to work together with the EZ-3. They're is also a demo program that will work with the PROP-1 that is in the EZ-3 documents and will allow you to to set timing for your prop.

Adding the LEDs is easy to add to your prop. But the best thing is provide us what components you have so we can help you.
William Stefan
The Basic Stamp Nut


I bought the following about four years ago, but never used it.  E-ipess(TM) 16.4FT 5M SMD 5050 Waterproof 300LEDs,12V 60W LED Flash Strip Light ,LED Flexible Ribbon Lighting Strip (Red)

It's a 16' strip of LEDs which can be cut to any length.  I want to put it in the trash can and have it light up when the prop is activated.

I'm not married to this LED strip.  I'll buy most anything that will work.


October 19, 2018, 08:19:54 PM #3 Last Edit: October 19, 2018, 08:29:16 PM by bsnut
As I stated, in my last post. Do you have a PROP-1? The PROP-1 is the brains (Basic Stamp 1 Microcontroller) which the EZ-3 plugs into. EZ-3 also plugs into the PROP-2 (which is a Basic Stamp 2 Microcontroller) as well. One of those two controllers will be able to control your prop.

Quote from: Kent on October 18, 2018, 01:12:48 PM
I bought the following about four years ago, but never used it.  E-ipess(TM) 16.4FT 5M SMD 5050 Waterproof 300LEDs,12V 60W LED Flash Strip Light ,LED Flexible Ribbon Lighting Strip (Red)

It's a 16' strip of LEDs which can be cut to any length.  I want to put it in the trash can and have it light up when the prop is activated.

I'm not married to this LED strip.  I'll buy most anything that will work.
Do you know the voltage of these LED strips. If they are 120VAC than they will need to be controlled by relay since the controller can't handle the voltage.
William Stefan
The Basic Stamp Nut

Jeff Haas

William, if it's the micro version, it's a stand-alone controller, not the version that plugs into the Prop-1.

Kent, I don't have one of those controllers, but it looks like that one can only control one thing. 

Usually I would suggest getting a Prop-1 and programming that to run the prop.  You can plug the PIR directly into the Prop-1, but you would want to add two relays, one to control the pop-up in the can and the second to turn on/off power to the leds.


First of all, thanks for all the help.  Everyone!  The LEDs I have are 12V.  I don't have a prop1 or 2, and the EZ-3mirco rev D does control the valve on this prop.  There is an output for audio too.

Jeff Haas

With the time left, it might just be simpler to put the leds in the bottom of tbe barrel and leave them on all the time.  Hook up a fogger with one of those timers from the party store so it puts a !ittle fog into the barrel now and then, and let the prop run the way it is currently set up.

So the effect is that you see a barrel of lit up fog, and the zombie jumps up out of it.


Thanks Jeff.  That does sound simple enough that even I can do it.  I'll try it out this week and let you know how it worked.