January 30, 2025, 10:17:04 AM


Be sure to checkout our Vixen interfaces in the Library forum -- if you want PC automation at near zero cost, EFX-TEK and Vixen is a great combination of tools.


Started by garner0070, September 30, 2013, 01:37:37 PM

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I just bought one of these small timers and it works well for my MIB. Has anyone used one of these to active some sort of sound controlller? If so can someone help with what and how it was used?


There is a 3-pin header that can be used to trigger an audio player that accepts a pulse output, and that header can be configured at a 5v pulse (active-high), or an open-emitter (active-low) type pulse.

Do you have a player you're working with?
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


Not really. I am kind of new to this. I work for a factory automation distributor and we mostly do pneumatics so I have all the hardware done but I wanted to try and add sound and can not seem to figure it out. Did now know if I just go and buy a cheap MP3 player, or computer speakers with some sort of player to gernerate the sound. I am trying to keep it as inexpensive as possible but I am kind of lost on the sound issue. Do you have a player you can recommend?


Well, not sure what the size of your MIB is but I can tell you that cheap run of the mill computer speakers most likely won't get the effect you want. Great SFX are the heart of a good prop. A "cheap" sound system will turn what could have been a great prop into a "yeah,... whatever" prop. The EFX-TEK AP-16+ is not a cheap player, but well worth the $$ and can turn a "yeah,... whatever" prop into a "WOW,.....UNBELIEVABLE!!!!" prop.


Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


Jack is right the AP16+ is well worth cost and also comes with great support. As, it will make you think the MIB is really in the box.
William Stefan
The Basic Stamp Nut