January 30, 2025, 04:39:49 PM


You can now use Vixen to program your Prop-1 and Prop-2 controllers!  Get started quickly and easily, without having to learn PBASIC.  Details in the Library forum.

Before You Power-up Your Controllers

Started by JonnyMac, September 02, 2014, 11:06:34 AM

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Well, the end of the summer tends to mean the start of the home haunter construction season. Before power up, a small bit of easy maintenance will help ensure things ship-shape.

You'll need:
-- can of compressed dust remover
-- chip brush(es), 1" to 2" size range
-- soft brass cleaning brush

As with anything sitting in our garages, the controllers can collect dust. This usually won't hurt anything, unless it gets wet (even from moisture in the air). Cleaning is very easy.

1) Dust off with canned spray duster
2) Lightly brush and "scrub" the PCB with the soft bristles of a chip brush
    -- this will loosen any stubborn dust
3) Spray again

For plug-in devices like SSRs used in the original RC-4, pull the relay and clean the contacts with a soft brass brush. Removing surface corrosion ensures a good connection to the socket and proper operation.

Okay, then, let's start programming!
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office