September 29, 2024, 09:25:43 PM


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BOE and ULN2x03

Started by Bill P, February 13, 2007, 10:20:52 PM

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Bill P

I have a supplemental board I made using a ULN2083 with input diodes.  Can I use this in place of a Prop-2 until the real thing is available? Also can the Prop-1 trainer be used with jumpers to the appropiate pins? I guess I could try and hook up the components, but I figuered that you have already done the work and can guide me in the right direction.



Connections between the BS2 and the ULN2803 are pretty straightforward.  Before there was a Prop-2, I built an equivalent circuit using Parallax's Super Carrier board -- you can see the details in this Nuts & Volts article:

Yes, if you're careful you could connnect the P1T to the BS2; you only need the pin and ground as the LEDs are active-high.
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office