January 12, 2025, 08:34:42 AM


Be sure to checkout our Vixen interfaces in the Library forum -- if you want PC automation at near zero cost, EFX-TEK and Vixen is a great combination of tools.

Thank You

Started by JonnyMac, November 01, 2007, 10:27:48 AM

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This morning I woke up at 7 AM; that's early to some, but for me it was like sleeping in, espeically since I was in bed asleep by 11 last night.  The last month has been a lot of long days, up until 1 or 2 AM, back up at 5 or 6 -- earlier on some days.  And it was worth it.  John and I are so appreciative of all our great customers; thank you, thank you, thank you.  Yes, we had a couple glitches, but in all we feel like this was a pretty successful Halloween season and we hope it was for you, too.

So, get some rest and let's start with Christmas!  The FC-4 will be back in stock shortly and we'll post a Vixen driver for it so that you can have the coolest Christmas tree on the block.  I'm going to be using Vixen and three FC-4s to create a Hanukkah Menorah.  Kwanzaa uses a candelabra as well -- okay, we've got lots of opportunities for fun holiday decorations!
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


Thank YOU Jon!

I'm still not too far along in props, but I'm having a blast getting to know the Prop-1 and a few relays.

Your support of the product and us is AWESOME.

Take care -


I believe the Thanks should go to you, Jon, for all of the help and prompt replies during this busy time.



I too would like to echo the thanks back to Jon and John for having such a great product and keeping things reasonably priced for all of us.  And a BIG THANKS for Jon to help everyone along with the programming and support of the products.  Without the two of you most of use would have had a very static Halloween!

Get some sleep and prepare for Christmas and all of the other holidays observed during this time.

The best thing we can do as supporters of EFX-TEK is to tell people how great the product is!  Let your fellow haunters know, let your friends know.  Tell everyone so that they too may buy from EFX-TEK and help grow the company and the options we have as huanters!



Very happy you guys had a good season! Now bring back that FC4 :)


It's coming... and we'll have a *special* announcement to go along with its return....
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office