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I need help selecting parts for an evil jack in a box prop

Started by brannfenix, May 10, 2007, 05:33:10 PM

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Hi everyone!

I figure it is never early enough to start on those Halloween projects :) 

A little info about me before I go into my project details... I have done a few projects with my BASIC Stamp II controller such as my fish tank automation system.  I like to think while there is still tons of stuff for me to learn in this great world of electronics and programing I am not a total n00b :)  I  have yet to work with the prop1 and I am looking to push the prop1 to the limits for my projects before jumping into the prop2 arena.  I have been collecting misc parts such as bucky skulls and any other random components I felt would be useful for prop building... This will be my first real prop project that gets  past the paper stage and I can not wait to get it built and learn more about pneumatics and other prop building skills :)

Evil Jack in a Box Project:

I will start piece by piece with the construction of the prop and in that spirit I plan to start with the main part... The Jack and the hardware to drive him up and back into there box for the reset.  I am not 100% sure on the size of the box I will be building to hold everything which means I am not really restricted to using tiny parts.  My only hope is that the finished prop is smaller than your standard monster in a box prop.  I will most likely custom design the jack myself and the only feature I would like is to have a small water canon built into it's mouth.  I am thinking on the idea of a tiny squirt gun that will just hit one unlucky person standing in the line of fire.  I had thought of an air canon but then ruled it out due to the air tank size required for a good effect.  I could use any input from someone that has made any pop up props before like tombstone jumpers or the likes... I am trying to keep everything low cost and low pressure.  I want to use a 20oz paintball c02 tank with a regulator to power the air cylinder required to pop the jack up and down and not need a compressor.  The jack should be less than a pound in total weight and I assume I am looking for an air cylinder with with a 6" to 12" stroke.  This is were I hit uncharted water and would much rather ask for help than over buy a part I do not need :)  I do not mind 2nd hand parts and I want to be sure I get a cylinder and solenoid that will do the job of popping this jack up for a long time before needing to be replaced.  The jack will pop up when the c02 is turned on and will stay up for maybe 10ish seconds then the c02 will be turned off and I assumed the c02 would like bleed out of the cylinder and slowly retract the jack back into the box. 

Can anyone recommend a model number or some specs for an air cylinder and solenoid that would fit my needs?  Anyone that knows of a good place to buy a little water canon would be a great help to me too :)

Sorry for the long winded post and thanks for stopping in  :)



All that can easily be done with a prop-1.

You will be using two solenoid's possibly 3. One for the pop up, one for the mister/squirter and possibly one for the lid if need be.

The only problem with co2 is that if you cycle your prop alot you can actually freeze the valves open. Just like with a paintball gun, fire too much and ice forms everywhere. The diffrence being solenoid valves have much tighter tolerances than paintball guns and will freeze much faster. If you can switch this too a paintball nigtrogen hp tanke (3500,4500, or 5000 psi) with appropriate regulators that would be a better way to go.

I can help you size all the cylinders and valves appropriately. That's what I do. I also have solenoid valves that can be powered straight from the prop one, they only draw 250 ma.
Evilusions LLC for all your pneumatic components



What ever happened to your jack in the box project?  I started building one this past weekend and just happened across the post today.  Do you have any pictures or concepts?

I'm working my project around a scissor lift mechanism.
