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We're Not Just Electronics Geeks....

Started by JonnyMac, October 26, 2007, 08:14:03 PM

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October 26, 2007, 08:14:03 PM Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 08:09:49 AM by JonnyMac
Did you know that John B and I both play guitar and sing?  That's right, we do -- John is training to sing opera (I just do pop/rock stuff).  John's a wizard at building and flying RC aircraft, too. 

Me?... well, I'm an arty kind of guy, and something I'm learning to enhance my Halloween makeup skills is prosthetics.  This is a sculpt of a third eye appliance that I'm doing for a friend of a friend.  When do I have time to do this with writing assignments and tech support duties?... way past everyone else's bedtime is when I've been working on this dude.  I'll pour the other side of the mold tomorrow then cast it in foamed gelatin.  If it turns out well I'll post pics of the final makeup; if it blows, I'm deleting this thread and denying it!

Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


Quote from: JonnyMac on October 26, 2007, 08:14:03 PM
if it blows, I'm deleting this thread and denying it!
Wow.  Looks very good to me.

Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything in...


I molded a couple gelatin pieces last night -- they'll get applied tomorrow morning.
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


November 01, 2007, 03:48:45 PM #3 Last Edit: November 01, 2007, 04:06:31 PM by JonnyMac
There is no rest for the wicked, uh... I mean, weary.  ;D

On Halloween day I didn't wake up in my own bed, I woke up in the guest room of my friend (and fellow actor), Stephanie.  Steph's not too much for Halloween, but her boss wanted her to get dressed up because it's a big deal in their office (Stephanie is new there).  So, knowing that I dabble in make-up, Steph asked me to go all out an zombie-fy her. 

So in addition to Angela's eye, I sculpted an exploding boil from which worms come out for Stephanie; there were ready-to-explode boils as well -- on top of that I used a mold from my friends at Motion Picture F/X ( for a throat wound.  The prosthetic pieces were cast in gelatin.  Now, clearly, I'm not as good with make-up as I am with electronics/programming, but Steph called and told me that she and Angela were the hit of the office, and that executives from the top floor came down to see their make-up.  Stephanie won the company contest, netting her $100 and me a dinner date!

Angela and Stephanie:

Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office