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Using the BS1-SA to Setup the uMP3 -- Yes, You Can!

Started by JonnyMac, October 07, 2009, 05:18:54 PM

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October 07, 2009, 05:18:54 PM Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 05:59:54 PM by JonnyMac
Okay, we had thought that you couldn't use the BS1 Serial Adapter to "talk" to the uMP3, and in the context of using HyperTerminal that is still true. But guess what?  I just discovered today that we don't need no stinking HyperTerminal.  Yep, if you can program a Prop-1 you can configure your uMP3 player.  Note: You cannot use the BS1-SA to upgrade the firmware in your uMP3 player -- yes, I tried!

I happened to be looking at the BS1-SA schematic today and noticed that the reason H/T won't works is that the DTR line needs to be set to talk back to the PC.  Well, guess what?  The DEBUG Terminal built into the Stamp editor lets us control the DTR line (HyperTerminal doesn't).  What does this mean?  It means that we can use the DEBUG window inside the Stamp editor to do a quick setup of the uMP3 player!

Now... it's not perfect.  The uMP3 player sends strings that end in CR; the DEBUG terminal doesn't add a line-feed so things get kind of scrunched on screen -- use the Clear button to clean things up.

Here's my BS1-SA plugged into the uMP3:

Note that the little >> symbol on the BS1-SA indicates ground.  

To talk to the uMP3 open up a DEBUG terminal, set it to the com port and baud (9600 is default) and -- this is the critical part -- check the DTR box.  If all is well you should see something like this:

Again, gang, I'm sorry I didn't figure this out sooner.  John and I are always doubling back to re-check previously-stated facts and this is one of those times where we have a change of position.
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


Way cool!   :)  Can't wait to try it out later tonight (lots of stuff happens after midnight) or tomorrow.  This is really good news!


Guess I should have ready more closely the last part of the 1st paragraph.  Been trying to upgrade the firmware and sure enough, no can do. 

BUT, I am able to configure the device with the BS1-SA and HyperTerminal. (Nope, still don't have my usb2ser  :( )

To use HyperTerminal with the BS1-SA, I had to use the following settings:
1) Of course set the Connect using to your com port (com1 in my case)
2) Set Bits per second (baud) to 9600 and Flow control to   Xon / Xoff
3) Open File, properties, click Settings, Press ASCII Settings... and then check Echo typed characters locally and Send line ends with line feeds

I then saved it and use this setting every time.  Yes, there is still the issue about no CR being added, but just press ENTER after every command to go to the next line.

Thanks guys!


October 12, 2009, 03:32:21 PM #3 Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 03:33:52 PM by JonnyMac
I would hold off on the update firmware update, Mike.  As you can see by the screen shot above, I had the beta update, but found it gave me troubles.  As soon as I dropped back to the latest production code the problems went away.  Yeah, this means serial configuring of the device, but now that you can do it with the BS1-SA that's less of an issue.

Thanks for the tip on XON/XOFF -- I'm going to try it.  H/T has a feature to add line feeds to line ends, is that not working?
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


Thanks - I'll hold off until sometime after 10/31 to give the new firmware a try.   ;D

I did try both of the line feed options but neither seems to advance the line.  Not a big deal to work with.  The nice thing is now I have an H/T icon in my "prop" folder - I can access the uMP3 with just the click of a mouse!


I tried using H/T with Xon/Xoff and no dice -- not sure why it's not working on my end.  I did verify that I could talk using the BS1-SA by connecting with PST (Parallax Serial Terminal -- updated, stand-alone version of the BASIC Stamp Debug terminal).
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


October 12, 2009, 06:00:54 PM #6 Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 12:41:37 PM by bigrez
That's strange... Tried it on another computer and it works fine.  Here are my settings:

Connect Using: COM1
  Terminal keys (selected)
  Ctrl-H (selected)
  Emulation: Auto Detect
  ASCII Setup:
      Send line ends with line feeds (checked)    <-- removed
     Echo typed characters locally (checked)
     Append line feeds to incomming like ends (checked)
     Wrap lines that exceed terminal width (checked)

Edit 2010-02-25:
   Noticed that with my second uMP3 that the Send line ends... caused the device to not recognize the commands.

Also, while using hyperterminal, I found it nice to set the prompt to a CR value (ST P 13) so that I could see the output better. Just don't forget to set it back (ST P 62) if you plan on reading (SERIN) from the device.  ;)


Just used the BS1 serial adapter to change the baud rate to 2400 on my uMP3 player!!!

First command st r 5
Second command st r (to verify 5)
Third command st d 5 (to setup 2400 baud)
gobbilty gook from the uMP3 (its now at 2400 and my debug screen is setup for 9600)
Set debug for 2400. Then had to select None for port and reselect my com port
command v and the version was returned!

Woot! I have a USB 2 Ser adapter coming. Oh well, I'll use it for something!!
Thanks Jon
Scaring someone with a prop you built -- priceless!


Glad it's working for you, Doug, and Sorry I didn't figure it out sooner!
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office