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White plexiglass - Good to spread the light of a single bulb?

Started by QPQ, September 23, 2007, 04:45:14 PM

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Hey guys -

My first project will involve using the Prop-1 and three AC relays to light up four different light "boxes". This is kind of hard to write, but the idea is to light a back panel behind individual words (which are cut from black vinyl via a Roland stikka) and then all words plus a vinyl cut band logo.

Our band is QUID PRO QUO, so basically it would like QUID.....PRO.......QUO.......and then all words plus the logo.

My question is this - Would white plexigass make a cheap/good  way to light a whole panel from one light bulb?

Definately open to options...I just can't think of one!

Thanks in advance,


You might stop into a lighting store -- or a humongo home improvement center -- and ask about diffusion materials; you're bound to find something that works for your project.
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


Thanks Jon, I'll check into that.

I just have to make sure the surface is smooth (for the vinyl to lay flat and stick to.



What I meant to suggest is that you put some kind of [stiff] diffusion material between the light and the plastic -- this should help minimize hot spots.
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office


I built a "traffic light" type light box for a public debate.  I used 3 40W colored bulbs inside a wooden speaker box.  I placed white foam core board behind the bulb with a colored plastic gel in front of the bulb.  The box was just wide enough for the ceramic lamp socket to be mounted in the bottom.

I would put a white background in the box to "widen" the light so all the letters are lit evenly.  Otherwise as the guests move in front of the light box different letters will be illuminated.

You could check the lighting store for plastic flourescent light diffusers.  You could try the type with the pyramids rather than the open square type.


Hopefully I'll get to the store in a couple of days to check out the options. I'll report on any scores. I was hoping the white alone might work so I could just have to plexiglass with the vinyl on it (smooth and strong enough for permant mount).

Heck, it's not too much for plexi, so I'll probably grab a small sheet and see how it goes.

Menehune - Did you put protective plexi / glass in the front of your lights, or did you just use the gels (like you would in a PAR can for stage lighting)?


These lights were indoors in a TV studio so I just had the gel in front of the bulb-like the PAR can setup.
The bulbs barely got warm to the touch so I had no real safety concerns.

If the setup was to be used outdoors, I would've sealed the box better, put clear plexi in front of the bulb and probably switched to a 12V bulb for safety.