September 30, 2024, 03:36:06 AM


You can now use Vixen to program your Prop-1 and Prop-2 controllers!  Get started quickly and easily, without having to learn PBASIC.  Details in the Library forum.

External Power Supply

Started by ldorey, October 21, 2007, 06:58:01 AM

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I am looking to connect a number of 12v motors to my display. I want to use the prop 2 controller for starting and stopping them, but want to use a more robust power supply other then the one supplied in the Prop 2 kit. How do i connect the motors to the external power supply and control them with teh prop 2?




How much current does the motor require?  If it's more than what the ULN2x03 can safely handle you won't be able to make a direct connection.  If the motor current and the number you're intending to run fall under safe limits, then you can connect the negative side of your motors to the OUTx terminals and the positive side of your motors to the positive side of the external supply.  Connect the negative side of your external supply to the GND terminal.  DO NOT connect anything to the V+ terminal or you may damage the Prop-2.
Jon McPhalen
EFX-TEK Hollywood Office